Sunday, November 27, 2016

"Top Marks for MiniTrials" - Edinburgh 8 October 2016

"Learning about the law through MiniTrials has been given a "ten out of ten" rating
following the latest event at Edinburgh Sheriff Court." 

See The Faculty of Advocates website for details.  Click here for Faculty News.

This was the 14th annual Edinburgh MiniTrials event.  Many congratulations to Richard Hart of Trinity Academy for organising things and to all the schools, pupils and teachers involved from:
  • Royal High School
  • Craigmount High School
  • Wester Hailes EC
  • Balerno High School
  • St Thomas of Aquins RC HS
  • Portobello High School
  • Liberton High School, and
  • St Augustine's RC HS.
Many thanks, as always, to all the lawyers and court personnel who gave of their time and expertise so freely and enthusiastically.  A very successful day.  Well done everyone.